Thursday, January 3, 2008

Things have gotten MUCH BETTER!!!!

We received an email from our lawyers with the "documents" in question. It shows that they were submitted, however the guy from homeland security said they weren't submitted correctly. He did say he would accept what we had and release our file!!! We should have our appointment date tomorrow and we expect it to be next week because the embassy seems like they will work with us on an appointment because of the I171 expiring. I think Darr will agree with me that today was the MOST STRESSFUL day of this whole adoption. We will be leaving Tuesday and coming home the following Tuesday. We are still telling the girls that he might not be coming home this trip. I hate to get their hopes up. I hope to be posting tomorrow that this is a pick up trip and not just a visit trip!!!!


Gardenia said...

Kara, I've been reading your blog for a while, hoping you get pink soon for your Dillon. Your post today is excellent news. would you mind sharing with me privately the name and contact info of the person you spoke with at DHS who is helping you? I'm waiting for pink for my daughter too, and was issued an I-72 also, and would so appreciate knowing how to reach someone there and perhaps get some personal attention. I don't need an expedited visa appointment b/c my 171h is not expiring soon, but just need to check to see whether my lawyer's submission of the extra documents they requested is acceptable. Thanks. I'll pray you get your appointment before your 171h expires. Ellen -- my email address:

Anonymous said...

Oh Kara, Thank God!!!! Good gracious this whole thing is just ridiculous!!!! I have everything crossed that you do get PINK tomorrow and that your appointment is very soon! Cant wait to see your blog in 24 hours!
Lee Anne