Thursday, May 14, 2009

Big boy....

Dillon will be 3 years old on June 24. I can't believe it! So we are making some big boy transitions......such as eating at the table, not the highchair. Eventually we will be getting rid of the crib for the FINAL time, but before that I hope to master potty training. I'm putting my money on the big boy bed before the big boy underwear. I really hope I'm wrong though. If we can get the potty training taken care of Dillon will go to preschool in the fall.
As far as Kindergarten (it's a long way off, I know)our cut off here is 5 by December 1 (which I disagree with. I think they should be 5 before the first day of K). I'm still not sure about him going to K when he's 5. There is so much more of an advantage to being the oldest versus the youngest. So if potty training doesn't happen by September we won't sweat it :)


Vanessa said...

The cut off here for kindergaten is in September and my little one will turn five the last day of July so she'll be the YOUNG one in the class. However my other daughter will be almost 6 before she can start! Thank goodness this is still a few years off!

Laurie said...

Dillon was so cute dancing at the concert tonight! He is precious.