Well, so far this week we've had to call the Fire Department twice. I know what you're thinking and NO, it actually had nothing to do with Dillon.
The first call was when I heard many LOUD explosions. So I went outside, with child and 2 dogs stuck to my butt, and noticed the telephone pole on fire. I went in to call 911 but first made the mistake of telling Dillon. He promtly insisted that we get out of the house. He was confused, the fire was outside. Wouldn't you know I got disconnected from 911 (because the power went out) and the call went out as barn fire....not POLE fire. In this area barn fire throws panic into many. Luckily word didn't spread, or the fire.....a lot. Grampie showed up along with some guys from the fire department and quickly got word to 911 that it was a pole fire. By this time the grass is on fire, but it only got us a small fire truck which did NOT impress Dillon. Grampie and Don started the generator while we were at little league. I'm glad McKenna wasn't babysitting Dillon that night....I don't think starting the generator went too smoothly. Six hours later.....power.
Two nights later there was a storm. The power went out around 11pm. I didn't do anything about it because I knew Darr would be home soon. When he came home he discovered live wires in the road. Another call to the fire department. They, along with the Town Highway Department decided to just close the road until the power company came to fix it. They came and left thinking they fixed it. WRONG. They hooked the lines up, but had to come back for something. 14 hours later....POWER. I hope this is it.